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A Study on the Results of Questionnaire Survey and Health Examination for Respiratory Disease among Residents in Briquette Fuel Complex in Ansim, Daegu
안심연료단지 주변지역 주민의 호흡기계질환에 대한 설문조사 및 건강검진 결과 분석
Kwan Lee, Hyun-Sul Lim, Min-Gi Kim, Young-Sun Min, Young-Hyun Lee, Sung-Woo Kim, Hye-Sook Choi, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Joon Sakong, Seung-do Yu, Geun-Bae Kim, Mi-Ra Yoon
Exposure Assessments of Environmental Contaminants in Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex, Daegu(Ⅰ) - Effect zone of environmental pneumoconiosis and fugitive dust -
Exposure Assessments of Environmental Contaminants in Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex, Daegu(Ⅱ) - Concentration distribution and exposure characteristics of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and heavy metals -
대구 안심연료단지 환경오염물질 노출 평가(Ⅱ) - TSP, PM10, PM2.5 및 중금속 농도분포 및 노출특성 -
Exposure Assessments of Environmental Contaminants in Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex, Daegu(Ⅲ) - Contribution and distribution characteristics of air pollutants according to elemental carbon, crystalline silica, and stable isotope ratio -
대구 안심연료단지 환경오염물질 노출 평가(Ⅲ) - 원소 탄소, 결정형 실리카 및 안정동위원소비를 이용한 오염원 기여율 및 분포특성 -
Jong-Hyeon Jung, Young-Gyu Phee, Byung-Hyun Shon, Hye-Jeong Bae, Won-Ho Yang, Ji-Young Kim, Geun-Bae Kim, Jong-Woo Choi, Sung-Jun Park, Kwan Lee, Hyun-Sul Lim