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A Study on the Institutional Limitations of Chemical Exposure Control for Cleaning Workers - Focusing on the Exclusion of Preparation and Submission of Material Safety Data Sheets
청소노동자 화학물질 노출 관리의 제도적 한계 고찰 – 물질안전보건자료 작성⋅제출 제외 조항을 중심으로
Saemi Shin, Nosung Ki, Hea Min Lee, Dong Hyeon Kim, Seohyeon Wee, Sang-Hoon Byeon
신새미, 기노성, 이혜민, 김동현, 위서현, 변상훈
Keywords: material safety data sheets, cleaning workers, consumer chemical product, Occupational Safety and Health Act
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2022, 32(1) pp.