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Estimation of Job Stress Relieve Coefficient through Recognizing Health Effects of Workers and Death Rate per 10,000 workers - A manufacturing worker -
근로자의 건강영향인지와 사망만인율을 통한 직무스트레스 해소계수 산정 - 제조업 현장근로자를 중심으로 -
Man Hyeong Han , Young Woo Chon , Ik Mo Lee , Yong Woo Hwang
한만형, 천영우, 이익모, 황용우
Keywords: death rate, health effects, job stress, relieve coefficient, recognizing health effects, worker
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2019, 29(1) pp.
The Study on the Effects of Leadership Types in Hospital Organization on Organization Effectiveness: Focused on Medical and Non-Medical, Middle manager and operator
병원 조직의 상사리더십 유형이 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 직종 및 직급 수준에 따른 차이를 중심으로
Yeon Sook Lee
Keywords: job type, leadership type, medical and non-medical workers, organizational effectiveness
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2019, 29(1) pp.