A manuscript is submitted along with a checklist and a statement copyright transfer.
Hangul or MS Word is strongly recommended as a file format.
File name should be a title of the paper without any author informati
Use the manuscript template by downloading it from the KIHA(Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
manuscript submission page.
2. Online submission procedure
All submission to KIHA are allowed only to members of the KIHA. The first author and corresponding author
should be a member of the KIHA. if they are not members, they should apply for membership at the KIHA
homepage(http://www.kiha.kr) before submission. After sign in, submission to JKSOEH(Journal of Korean
Society of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene) manuscript submission button of the left side of the KIHA
homepage. Click submission button and then click manuscript submission button on the submission page. Read
and check all the instructions. Check and update the membership information of the submitter if necessary.
Check the consent to abide by the journal policies. Enter the title and subtitle of the paper. Upload a file
containing manuscript text including figures and tables.
3. Title of the paper
Paper title, authors name, and author affiliation was written both in Korean and in English.
In the lower area of the cover page, the name, address, and e-mail of the corresponding author were provided.
4. Abstract & Keywords
Abstract and keywords were written in English. No more than 6 keywords were described.
Prepare a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, with information arranged under the following
subheadings - Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
5. Main text
The format and order of the subheadings was described according to the Instruction to Authors.
Figures, tables, and references in the main text were described according to the Instruction to Authors.
6. Reference
All references were written only in English
Every articles in References were cited in the main text.
The reference style followed the Instruction to Authors.
7. Tables & Figures
The titles and legends of tables and figures were written in English.
The numbering of tables and figures followed the Instruction to Authors.