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A Review on Recent Debate on Proposals of Amendment of the Article of Prohibition of Inhouse-Contract for Harmful Work in the Industrial Safety and Health Act
유해작업 사내도급 금지와 관련된 논란 및 개정방안에 관한 고찰
Doo Yong Park
Keywords: Article 28, main contractor, prime contractor, subcontract prohibition, prohibition of contract
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2014, 24(1) pp.
The Relationship between Exposure to Benzene and the Excretion of Urinary Trans, Trans-muconic Acid in Petrochemical Factory Turnaround Process Workers
석유화학공장 대정비 작업 근로자의 벤젠 노출과 요중 trans, trans-muconic acid 배설과의 관계
Seung Min Lee, Jong Uk Won, Chi Nyon Kim, Jaehoon Roh
이승민, 원종욱, 김치년, 노재훈
Keywords: benzene, biological exposure indices, trans, trans-muconic acid, turnaround process
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2014, 24(1) pp.
Relationships between a Calculated Mass Concentration and a Measured Concentration of PM2.5 and Respirable Particle Matter Sampling Direct-Reading Instruments in Taconite Mines
타코나이트 광산 공정에서의 실시간 질량측정기기와 실시간 수농도의 환산에 의한 질량농도와의 연관성
Eun-Kyo Chung, Jae-Kil Jang, Se-Wook Song, Jeongho Kim
정은교, 장재길, 송세욱, 김정호
Keywords: direct-reading instruments, number and surface area concentration, PM2.5, respirable particles
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2014, 24(1) pp.
A Study on the Recommendation of the Candidate Substances and Methods for an Additional Designation of Special Management Materials in Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA)
산업안전보건법 특별관리물질의 추가 지정방법 및 후보물질 권고에 관한 연구
Kwon Seob Lee, Mun Ki Hong, Hye Jin Lee, Sang-Hoon Byeon, Jung Sun Park
이권섭, 홍문기, 이혜진, 변상훈, 박정선
Keywords: candidate substances, CMR(Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reproductive toxicants), GHS(Globally Harmonized System), hazard evaluation, special management materials
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2014, 24(1) pp.