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A Study on the Total, Particle Size-Selective Mass Concentration of Airborne Manganese, and Blood Manganese Concentration of Welders in a Shipbuilding Yard
Effects of Factors Associated with Urine Hippuric Acid Correction Values in Urinary Creatinine by HPLC and Jaffe Method and Specific Gravity HPLC Jaffe Method
HPLC와 Jaffe method의 요중 크레아티닌 및 비중이 마뇨산 보정값에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구
Key-Young Kim, Jong-Gyu Kim, Ki-Nam Yoon, Wha-Me Park, Hun-Hee Park
김기영, 김종규, 윤기남, 박화미, 박훈희
Keywords: adjustment urine, hippuric acid, Specific gravity, urinary creatinine.
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2015, 25(4) pp.