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Evaluation of the Input Status of Exposure-related Information of Working Environment Monitoring Database and Special Health Examination Database for the Construction of a National Exposure Surveillance System
국가노출감시체계 구축을 위한 작업환경측정과 특수건강진단 자료의 노출 정보 입력 실태 평가
Sangjun Choi, Dong-Hee Koh, Ju-Hyun Park, Donguk Park, Hwan-Cheol Kim, Dae Sung Lim, Yeji Sung, Kyoung Yoon Ko, Ji Seon Lim, Hoekyeong Seo
최상준, 고동희, 박주현, 박동욱, 김환철, 임대성, 성예지, 고경윤, 임지선, 서회경
Keywords: National surveillance system, standardization, special health examination data, work environment monitoring data
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg , 2022, 32(3) pp.