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An Experimental Study for the Improvement of Ventilation Conditions and Effectiveness in the Manufacturing Industry by Increasing the Mixing Factor (K-Factor)
혼합계수(K-Factor) 증가에 따른 사업장의 환기 조건 및 효율 개선에 관한 연구
Yun-ho Lee, Seokwon Lee, Kyoungho Lee, Hyunwook Kim
The Relationship between Malondialdehyde in Exhaled Breath Condensate and Inflammatory Markers in Serum and COPD in Retired Workers Exposed to Mineral Dust
광물성 분진 노출 이직노동자에서 만성폐쇄성폐질환과 호기응축액 중의 malondialdehyde 및 혈청 염증지표 간의 관련성
Jong Seong Lee, Jae Hoon Shin, Jin Ee Baek, Byung-Soon Choi