Aims Its publication started from 1991 to accept editorial, review, original research article, brief report, case report, technical report, letter to editor, book review, educational materials in the field of industrial hygiene and related scientific/engineering disciplines. It is published quartely on the last days of March, June, September, and December each year. Supplementary issues can also be published conditionally.
[Case Reports]
Evaluation of Talc Exposure for Molding Process Workers and Case of Disaster Prevention Project
타이어 성형 공정에서의 활석 노출수준 평가 및 재해예방 사업 사례
Eun Young Kim, Hyunseok Kwak, Seungwoo Jeong, Soomin Na, Yoo Dong-Hyun, Deaho Kim
김은영, 곽현석, 정승우, 나수민, 유동현, 김대호
Keywords: tube tire building process, crystalline silica, quartz
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) pp. 293-298